Painting the chassis and the seats
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Kit and Paints The Railcar Body The Railcar Chassis and Inside The Bogie Frames Painting the Bogie Frames Painting the chassis Painting the chassis and the seats A coat of grey on the body And a coat of red The Railcar Body The Railcar Chassis and Inside The Front Near the Lake 1 Near the Lake 2

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© 2004  J.P. Joliveau

A blank test of assembly of the seats after applying the interior green paint, the weighting in grey and the chassis. I begun the painting with green with many problems. In fact, the paint made lots of spider webs and I did not manage to solve the problem. The seat paint job is quite bad indeed. Thanks to the EspaceTrain mailing list, I learnt that Interfer paints must be diluted a lot, and I managed to solve the problem for the other colours.