to me/Scrivetemi :
Before realising my diorama, I had decided to begin thinking about rolling stock: without it, no railway has sense. I bought from Interfer a Billard A80D railcar kit that I have recently begun to build with great patience. Confident in my courage, I have decided to try scratchbuilding. It is true that the market does not give me much choice anyway: hardly anything is commercially available. Therefore, one must make everything. I am searching for whatever type of documentation focused on the BA, and particularly its steam engines. To train a bit, I am planning to build a covered wagon (68KB). Due to its relatively simple design, a De Dion MZ railcar will follow. The building technique will get inspiration from that proposed by Yann Baude in an article in Loco Revue no. 595 (September ‘96) titled Ajoutons un couvert… Bill of materials: a brass sheet for the underframe, styrene sheet for the body, Romford axles, wheels, screw link couplings and buffers, patience and strong self-confidence. I do not know whether the result will match my expectations, but at least I will have tried. I will publish here all the steps of the project.